A house and a home aren’t always the same thing. And while the aspects that make a place your home aren’t limited to physical attributes, architecture can still have a huge impact. Cultural differences, location, resources and the format of your family will all influence what you look for in a home. And in a world that seems to be changing faster than ever, can architects and designers anticipate the needs of new age homes?

For the House of the Future competition, participants are tasked with designing a template for a new age home for Emirati citizens in the Dubai. Run in partnership with The Dubai Government, the jury are searching for innovative projects that use design to refresh the current offerings to locals, bringing them more up-to-date with the architectural aesthetic of the country and its people.

Winning entries will be put forward for consideration for construction by Dubai Government, as well as receiving a share of the 250,000 € prize fund.

The House of the Future competition is open to architecture and design enthusiasts of all levels from any location around the world. The jury is searching for innovative ideas and creative design concepts, rather than submissions only from practicing architects.

There is no specified site for the House of the Future competition, and participants are asked to keep a budget in mind of no more than 1 million Emirati Dirhams.


3 winning proposals, one special award recipient and 6 honourable mentions will be selected. Buildner (formerly Bee Breeders) will award a total of 250,000 € in prize money to competition winners as follows:

1st Prize - 140,000 €
2nd Prize - 45,000 €
3rd Prize - 20,000 €
+ 6 honourable mentions



Early Bird Registration: APRIL 25 – JUNE 7
Advance Registration: JUNE 8 – SEPTEMBER 7
Last Minute Registration: SEPTEMBER 8 – SEPTEMBER 30

Final registration deadline: SEPTEMBER 30, 2023
Closing date for submission: NOVEMBER 1, 2023 (11:59 p.m. LONDON TIME)
Announcement of the winners: NOVEMBER 30, 2023

More: https://architecturecompetitions.com/houseofthefuture/


cash prize award: $ 274,815.00 USD